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World Vision Partnership Update: April

Parish Breakfast on 3 April

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Parish Breakfast last Sunday. It was so good to join our 8am congregation, for whom it was their usual first Sunday in the month breakfast, with the 10am congregation who enjoyed meeting new people and savouring breakfast! Organised by the Mission and Outreach Team to raise awareness of our World Vision Church in Partnership project, there was plenty to look at and talk about. Our support for Pajule in northern Uganda is just beginning and together we received £90 in donations once expenses had been paid.

World Vision (WV) Webinar on 13 April

We have been invited by World Vision to join them when they will take St Andrew’s church back to the first time we heard about the community in Pajule, and God laid it on our heart to partner with them. On 13 April WV are offering a unique opportunity for congregations who are part of their Churches in Partnership programme to meet live with the community in Pajule through the wonders of technology.

Date: Wed 13 April 2022 Time: 6.00pm – 7.15pm (UK time) Place: Zoom

Ivan, the Programme Manager, will take us on a virtual tour; sharing stories and meeting members of the community. You’ll really get a sense of what life is like for the people of Pajule. Alongside other churches and sponsors, there’ll also be opportunity for you to ask the team any questions (submitted in advance only). At St Andrew’s we have accepted the invitation gladly, registered, and will be linking up from the Chapel. Please arrive about 5.50pm (and you could always stay for the Holy Week service afterwards).

However, for those of you who would like to join in from home, you will need to register as a household. Register Here You will be asked for a supporter number and if you are not a World Vison supporter you can simply enter: 111111111. You will then receive a confirmation email from Zoom with information about joining the webinar.

If you have any questions then please contact John, who is our link to World Vision

John Orchard

Church and Christian Engagement Specialist 01908 244614

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©2021 by St Andrew's Church, Bedford.
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Andrew Bedford is a Registered Charity, number 1130171

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