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Visit to Emmaus


Two members of our Mission and Outreach Team recently officially visited Emmaus, our local nominated charity, and wanted to pass on some current information.

Did you know that Emmaus has a very knowledgeable book volunteer? They evaluate books that are donated and get the best price to support their funding, by selling them online if they are valuable.  Emmaus welcomes all books, mainly to sell in their own shop, and can also generate funds from unsold low-value books by pulping them on site to make compost!

Please note that Emmaus does not currently accept donations of plastic toys, because of the costs of recycling, as often they get broken.

Finally, if you’re heading out to Emmaus, it would be useful to donate items such as Pot Noodles for the ‘stomps’. In Bedford, the Stomp is held every Tuesday night at the bottom of De Parys Avenue. They give out useful items to those sleeping rough, and would appreciate: non-perishable food such as Pot Noodles & Chocolate/Energy Bars; washing items [e.g. soap, toothpaste, deodorant]; and cleaning materials [e.g. soap powder, washing up liquid]. There are baskets at Emmaus specifically for the Stomp. This link explains further.

Mission and Outreach Team

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The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Andrew Bedford is a Registered Charity, number 1130171

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