The rooms were all set, the preparations complete and what a delight to be able to welcome our guests to the Progressive Supper; the last event in the Centenary calendar ahead of the Festival Weekend in May.
After a glass of sparkling wine and the distribution, by Sue, of slips of paper to each guest giving them the location of the table they would be going to for their main course, a great bubble of greetings and chatter enveloped the Hall. Many were quickly scratching their heads at the Centenary Quiz, ‘Guess the Decade’ which prompted much debate and a certain amount of nostalgia to get the evening going.
It seemed to quickly be time for Ian to give a warm welcome to everyone, say Grace, and send us off to our first table for our main courses. How marvellous, after such a long period of disruption, to be able to sit and enjoy delicious food at beautifully decorated tables with friends from the Church. The hour allocated to the main course was soon over and the hosts of each table then directed their guests to their different pudding tables; yummy, more delicious food!!
We all joined together in the Hall for coffee and chocolates and to chat about our various combinations of lovely food and wonderful company. Ian gave the results of the Quiz, just for the record no one manage to correctly match all 10 decades, which was no real surprise as we were all obviously far too young to remember most of the events shown!!
I think those of us who attended will all agree that it was a wonderful evening, to be able to socialise in this way and spend time getting to know one another over the evening is something we have missed over the last two years. Our thanks must go to all those people who helped in any way at all and those thanks should start with Sue Smith. It was Sue who had the brilliant idea of a Progressive Supper which went onto our Centenary Calendar; what a wonderful way to spread the load of preparing a delicious two course meal to nearly 40 people.
So, whether you made the posters, sold the tickets, shopped for the wine, cooked the food, hosted and decorated a table, washed up, helped with photographs for the quiz, took the photographs on the night, or simply purchased a ticket to attend our event, we thank you for joining in.
The Progressive Supper Team, Sue, Hilary and Lynn
The Centenary Committee