Our January meeting opened with a prayer from Martin. Praying together at the start of the meeting always helps us to focus our minds and consider where we are being led to act or not act. It’s a calming moment bringing the PCC together ahead of any discussions.
This evening it was particularly important as we were due to review a number of policies and looking ahead at our upcoming PCC away day, where we would have time together to reflect on our parish feedback and look forward with planning to go towards our MAP.
Alongside some policy reviews (lone working, social media) we were all pleased to have an update about Sue Ambrose’s new role as Anna Chaplain. Having agreed to support Sue in her training and continued work she has formally begun to provide ministry, on the whole to older people through prayer, bible reading & fellowship. We will see her use her role particularly at Coffee & Company, with visits to care homes in the parish & parishioners elsewhere (for example to those in hospital & other care homes locally). We all pray for Sue and that her chaplaincy can support in a new way for those in the Parish.
Jo provided an update on Safeguarding and advised that following the responding well survey, the safeguarding team are intending to hold focus groups with identified key groups to hold further discussion about concerns or areas particularly highlighted as important. She also shared a reminder about additional group training session for safeguarding training - please contact Jo or the safeguarding team for further information. On this point, the safeguarding pages on the Church website have been updated to include contact details and guidance for anyone who has concerns. We urge you to familiarise yourself with this information and with those in the safeguarding team. Safeguarding throughout the church is everyone’s responsibility. Please contact the team if you have any questions.
The latter part of the meeting discussed the work of the outreach team, updates on finance and reports from CCMC where we agreed to support further actions relating to repairs for some windows within the church. Keeping the church building safe and in good repair is a continuous job and we are grateful to those who keep an eye on it.
Finally Lucy shared the news that she has been elected to General Synod - to which the PCC offer their congratulations! Our thoughts and prayers go with her in this new role.