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  • vicar29

NEW!!***  What's Next For Me? 

Updated: Jun 6

Are you retired and looking to have a rethink and reset about how you invest your time and energy?  Do you know that you are ready for a bit of a change?


Retirement brings many opportunities to make a meaningful contribution, to enjoy time with friends and family, to travel, have new adventures or complete projects that have been put on the backburner.  But it often brings challenges too around health, relationships and time.  


Making time to think about you want in retirement is not always easy!  


At St Andrew's we are hosting a one day small group workshop to create a space to think, discuss and reflect on what this next year could look like for you.  Maybe you want to rethink your priorities? Reorganise your week?  Maybe you want to start something new?  Maybe you want to do things differently? 


It's a first for us, so why not come and join us on Monday 15th July, at the Church: What's Next For Me?   It will be a relaxed, positive and structured series of mini-workshops designed to help you explore what's important to you and how you could take steps towards bringing more of that into your life.  With a tasty lunch included, it should be a fun, productive and energising day!  If you're new to this kind of workshop, don't worry, everything is easily accessible - and optional!  You're in charge!


The day will be facilitated by Ann Collins, a member of the St Andrew's congregation and a professional executive coach who specialises in helping people to make successful career transitions and frequently runs team coaching days.  You can usually find her after the 10am service with a coffee in hand, should you have any questions.  She'd be delighted to chat with you.  


If you are ready to reserve your spot, please email Caroline  We're asking for a £10 contribution to cover your lunch.


For more information, please pick up a flyer.  

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