If you’ve been into the Church Centre in the last week, you may have noticed a new addition to the Foyer – a collection point for items donated to the Bedford Foodbank.
1002 people were fed in September (355 of them children), identified through over 200 referral agencies in the community. This is a huge increase on the same month last year.
The Bedford Foodbank website gives an insight into its services and the pressing need for them at the current time:
“Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income.
Bedford Foodbank’s volunteers work with referral partners to provide a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in our community.
Last year Trussell Trust foodbanks in the UK gave food over 1 million times to people experiencing food poverty.”
If you have a few minutes, why not read the real life stories shared on their website, which show just how a foodbank can be a life-saver and change lives:
The website also gives a list of the items currently most needed, which at the time of writing are listed as: UHT Milk, Fruit Juice (Long-life), Jars of Pasta Sauce, Tinned Tuna, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Fruit, Rice 250g/500g/1kg, Ham (Small Tins), Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned Peas/Carrots, Biscuits, Soap Bars, Toilet Rolls, Cleaning Cloths
If you wish to donate items for the Bedford Foodbank, simply bring them along next time you come to the church and deposit them in the crate in the Foyer, from where they will start their journey to those in need in our community. Thank you.