I'm New Here
Whether you are new to the area, lived here for years or are just visiting...
Whether you are thinking about exploring the Christian faith for the first time, are a lifelong member of a church, or haven't been to church for years...
Whether you are 1 or 100, black or white, single, partnered or married, straight, L, G, B, T, Q, or I.
You are very welcome to St Andrew's Bedford!
See below for what to expect at our services.
Or if you would like a chat first, you can contact Lucy, the vicar by telephone on 01234 354234 or by email by clicking the button below
Coming To A Service for the First Time?
Our main Sunday Morning Services are at 10:00, here is what to expect when you come along
What Happens?
We meet as an inclusive group of people of all ages and from all sorts of backgrounds to get to know God and share our joys, sorrows and hopes.
Hymns, Bible readings, a sermon, prayers
We share Holy Communion each Sunday apart from the first Sunday of the Month
The service lasts about an hour (slightly shorter on the first Sundays of the month)
Are Children Welcome?
We love hearing young children worshipping with us! There is a changing table in the disabled toilet, and a play area towards the back of Church. Breastfeeding babies are very welcome to feed at any time – make yourself at home.
Services on the first Sunday of the month are informal with an all age talk and plenty for children to engage in
All other Sundays there are children’s groups, though children are welcome to stay in the service
Before the service starts
There is no dress code - come as you are
There is parking on Kimbolton Road and there is a small car-park behind the church on St Alban Road
Someone will welcome you at the door and hand out anything you need to follow the service
You're welcome to sit anywhere
During the service
Nothing is compulsory! You don’t need to join in anything unless you want to.
You will be able to follow the service (including when we usually stand up and sit down) in the booklet you were handed at the door. Just ask the person sitting next to you if you need help.
There is a collection in the middle of the service, but please don’t feel you have to give. Many of our regular worshippers give by standing order so not everyone puts something in the collection bowl when it is passed around. Thank you in advance for any donation you would like to make.
You are welcome to take bread and wine with us if you do so in your home church. If you would prefer a blessing, hang on to your service sheet as you come up to the front with everyone else and we will know that is what you would prefer. If you need a gluten free wafer please ask one of the welcomers on your way in.
We have:
Step free access
Toilets, including a disabled toilet
Sound system with a hearing loop
Space for wheelchairs – our welcomers will help you to find a space
Large print words available - just ask the welcomers
After the service
We serve free coffee and tea after the service in the Church Hall and would love to meet you and introduce you to other people.