LENT 2025

Ash Wednesday
Holy Eucharist with Ashing
Wednesday 5th March
10.30am Said Service
7.45pm Sung Service
In Church and on YouTube

Daily Reflections: A Living Hope
These readings and reflections from the Church of England explore how we can have hope in times of frustration or uncertainty; the hope found in joining with others; the invitation to notice signs of hope around us; the courage to face reality and pursue a hopeful future; and the ways God transforms death into life at Easter.
To receive these reflections, download the ‘Everyday Faith’ app, or sign up here for a daily email. Alternatively, booklets will be available at the back of Church from Sunday 23rd February. We ask for a donation of £3, which can be left in the basket by the booklets on a Sunday or Wednesday morning (not to the office, please.)

Lent Course: ‘We believe’
​Wednesdays 7.45pm
​March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th
In the Holt Room and on Zoom.
1,700 years after the Council of Nicaea, this course is an opportunity to explore our faith together through Nicene Creed. What is it ‘we believe,’ and why?
​Please sign the list at the back of Church or just turn up!
If you would like the booklet accompanying the course, costing £7, your payment can be made to Lucy on the evening of the course (not to the office, please.)

Churches Together Lent Services:
‘Reflections on the Cross’​
Wednesdays 1.00pm
March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th
Bunyan Meeting Church
​We meet to worship with our friends from across the denominations in Bedford, to worship and to engage with the theology of the cross from different traditions.

Soup Lunch
Thursday 12 noon onwards
March 13th, 20th, 27th, April 3rd, 10th
In the Holt Room
Join us for fellowship and a simple soup lunch on Thursdays in Lent.

Lent Quiet Day: Exploring Joy in an Age of Fear
Saturday 5th April
9.30am – 4 pm
In Church
Led by The Revd Sarah Burrow and The Revd Canon Guy Buckler.
​With help from Saints Francis and Clare, a day focusing on how we choose to live with joy in a world facing ever increasing distress.