Why Donate
As well as our regular services, baptisms, weddings and funerals, we share the good news of Jesus Christ through:
Opportunities to develop faith through taught courses and home groups
Help for those in need, including support for our charity Mission partners and Bedford Winter Night Shelter
Support for those who mourn, including 'Talking Elephants' and Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving.
Visiting the sick and housebound and telephone support through our TLC carers.
Activities for young and old, from our Noah's Ark toddler group and Messy Church, to Tea Dances and 'Coffee and Company'.
How to Donate
Regular Donations
Planned Giving Scheme
We encourage members of the Church family who wish to give financially to St Andrew’s to do so via the Parish Giving Scheme.
Simply go to www.parishgiving.org.uk and enter St Andrew’s parish code 320632278. The site will take you through the rest of the process.
For more information please download a copy of our planned giving leaflet here or see the Planned Giving FAQs blog here.
One Off donations
To make a one off donation to St Andrew's, please click on the button below