at St Andrew's

You are invited to celebrate the arrival of the Christ-child with us at St Andrew's.

Saturday 14th December at 4:00 pm.
Preceded by a free optional activities session at 3:00 pm.

Nine Lessons and Carols
Sunday 22nd December at 6 pm
Followed by mulled wine and mince pies

Crib Service
Christmas Eve at 2:30 pm
A very special Christmas service, particularly for families with children, including all your favourite Christmas carols, and of course the greatest story ever told.
Children are invited to come dressed as a character from the Nativity if they'd like to.

Carols by Candlelight
Christmas Eve at 4:30pm and 6 pm
Come and enjoy Carols on Christmas Eve, with the magic of candlelight and the traditional Carols which make it really feel like Christmas.

Midnight Mass
Christmas Eve, 11:30 pm
Come to the stable to meet the Christ Child for the first communion of Christmas

Christmas Day Services
8 am Holy Communion
10 am All-Age Eucharist